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The 11th Commandment

The 11th Commandment

There’s an old saying that people don’t attend church on Sundays expecting to hear an eleventh commandment. You go to reinforce what you’ve already learned or learn it all over again. And so it is with the basic principles of finance. Jason Zweig once wrote the...
Animal Spirits: Living the Dream

Animal Spirits: Living the Dream

Today’s Animal Spirits is brought to you by Global X and Fabric: See here to learn more about Global X’s suite of ETFs Go to for more information on life insurance from Fabric by Gerber Life On today’s show, we discuss: Listen here...
Irregular Roundup, 22nd July 2024

Irregular Roundup, 22nd July 2024

We begin today’s Irregular Roundup with cyclical value. Cyclical value Joachim Klement looked at a new study of the outperformance of cyclical value stocks. Cyclical stocks should outperform since they are more exposed to the business cycle (ie. their prices should be...